Beringharjo Market

Beringharjo market becomes part of Malioboro that is worth visiting. This market has been center of economy activity since years ago and its existence has philosophical meaning. The market that had been renovated several times symbolizes stages of human life that is busily engaged in its economy fulfillment. Furthermore, Beringharjo is also one of the 'four in one' poles (consisting of South Square, Sultan Palace, North Square, and Beringharjo market) symbolizing economy functions.
For tourists and visitors, as well as for local people, Beringharjo has been the first choice for batik shopping. Batik has been emerged as the most favorite product bought by tourists in Jogja. The variation is also growing rapidly so we can buy batik in many formats such as shirts, skirts, etc. The price is also very reasonable and affordable, ranging from very expensive to very low price.
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